The Huffington Post is reporting that there's corruption [on a big scale] at the Sochi Olympics. Russian officials and businessmen have stolen billions of dollars during the years of preparation for the 2014 Sochi Olympics, a prominent Russian opposition figure claimed on Thursday.
According to Boris Nemtsov, a former Russian deputy prime-minister-turned-Kremlin critic, and an associate who said in a report released Thursday that up to $30 billion was stolen in the run-up to the games in the southern Russian city [Sochi].
Russia had originally said in 2007 that the 2014 Olympics would cost around $12 billion, but within six years, the figure jumped to $51 billion, making the 2014 Sochi Olympics the most expensive Olympics in history, summer or winter.
The 2012 London Olympics cost $14.3 billion.
Nemtsov calculated the figure of $30 billion from comparing the initial cost estimate of the games with the final $51 billion price tag and with typical cost overruns at previous Olympics. He also compared the pre-seat cost of Sochi Olympic stadium with stadiums at previous Olympics.
However, Nemtsov didn't provide any specific breakdown that would have formed the foundation of his claims of $30 billion estimated to be stolen as part of a corruption.
"It's up to investigators to do so," Nemtsov explained.
State auditors at Russia's Audit Chamber have repeatedly voiced concerns about the skyrocketing overruns at Sochi and have issued recommendations that prosecutors look into some of them.
Russian officials have filed numerous charges against officials at the state contractor Olympstroi and their sub-contractors. None of them has ever yet resulted in charges or a trail.
The Sochi Olympics will run from Feb. 7th through the 23rd
Friday, May 31, 2013
Corruption At The 2014 Winter Olympic Games
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Sportswriter Post Racist Tweet About Lebron James
Many people who watched Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals were surprised when Lebron James was fouled out of the game, in the fourth quarter, for only the fourth time in his professional career.
As most were watching on, one sportswriter took his enthusiasm a little too far when he tweeted a joke, which most are calling racist.
The writer claimed in the tweet that NBA referee Joey Crawford is the first man to "whip" Lebron James.
Apparently, people saw the tweet and responded to the sportswriter Steve Bulpett, who covers the Boston Celtics for the Boston Herald. A short time later, the tweet was taken down, but not fast enough, as someone quickly retweeted the tweet.
As most were watching on, one sportswriter took his enthusiasm a little too far when he tweeted a joke, which most are calling racist.
The writer claimed in the tweet that NBA referee Joey Crawford is the first man to "whip" Lebron James.
Apparently, people saw the tweet and responded to the sportswriter Steve Bulpett, who covers the Boston Celtics for the Boston Herald. A short time later, the tweet was taken down, but not fast enough, as someone quickly retweeted the tweet.
After deleting the tweet, Bulpett tried to apologize, but no one was buying into the apology.
@streethistory @themightykosh Tweet was from Blazing Saddles quote. You pointed out a connection I should have seen. Sincere apologies.
— Steve Bulpett (@SteveBHoop) May 29, 2013
Houston Rockets Making Room For Dwight Howard
It's unknown whether or not if Dwight Howard will stay or leave the Los Angeles Lakers during the offseason, but the Houston Rockets are already preparing for the arrival of Howard, as the team is preparing to trade away players to make room for the All-Star center.
The team is ready to ship out Thomas Robinson in order to create enough cap space to offer Howard the maximum contract of four-years.
The Rockets have also told rival NBA teams that they plan to accept the best offer to move Robinson and eliminate his $3.52-million salary for the 13-2014 NBA season.
If their plan can be accomplished, the Rockets will be able to pay Howard around $20.5 million a season .
The team is ready to ship out Thomas Robinson in order to create enough cap space to offer Howard the maximum contract of four-years.
The Rockets have also told rival NBA teams that they plan to accept the best offer to move Robinson and eliminate his $3.52-million salary for the 13-2014 NBA season.
If their plan can be accomplished, the Rockets will be able to pay Howard around $20.5 million a season .
Ryan Lochte Girlfriend Dumps Him Over The Phone [VIDEO]
Ryan Lochte 23-year-old girlfriend Jamiee Hollier had been dumped by his girlfriend. Hollier, who lives in England, had been with a long distance relationship with the Olympic swimmer for about four years.
Although the relationship sounds sweet, during the 2012 Summer Olympics, Lochte claimed that he was single and even showed some interest in an appearance on ABC's "The Bachelor." Also, during the Olympics, Hollier's name never was mentioned at all.
Hollier called the Olympic swimmer during the taping of his E! reality show "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" this past weekend on E!, where she told him that the relationship was over.
Lochte, who's normally quite on screen, couldn't stand to have cameras follow him during the heartbreaking conversation [below].
Although the relationship sounds sweet, during the 2012 Summer Olympics, Lochte claimed that he was single and even showed some interest in an appearance on ABC's "The Bachelor." Also, during the Olympics, Hollier's name never was mentioned at all.
Hollier called the Olympic swimmer during the taping of his E! reality show "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" this past weekend on E!, where she told him that the relationship was over.
Lochte, who's normally quite on screen, couldn't stand to have cameras follow him during the heartbreaking conversation [below].
6 anak tertabrak kereta saat kejar layangan di Underpass Makamhaji
Dua anak tewas dan satu lainnya mengalami luka berat karena tertabrak kereta api (KA) Malioboro Express di perlintasan kereta api daerah Underpass Makam Haji,pada Kamis sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB,
sebanyak enam orang anak mencoba mengejar layang-layang yang putus di daerah perlintasan kereta api Underpas Makam Haji. terlalu, asyik mengejar layangan putus keenam anak itu tak menyadari adanya kereta api Malioboro Express yang sedang melintas.
Mereka pun tertabrak kereta api. dari keenam anak tersebut, dua di antaranya tewas,satu luka parah, dan tiga lainnya selamat.
Kedua anak yang meninggal dunia itu Pandu Enggar Satria Wibisono, 12 dan Fais Hendrianto, 11. Keduanya warga makamhaji Kartasura, Sukoharjo.
Sementara satu anak yang mengalami luka parah langsung dilarikan ke RS dr Moewardi Solo.
Kapolsek Kartasura AKP Kemas Indra, mengatakan keenam anak tersebut tertabrak kereta dari arah Jogja ke Solo.
“Tertabrak Kereta Malioboro Ekspres sekitar jam tiga sore, kereta dari arah Jogja,” ujar Kemas.
Kemas mengaku bahwa angka kecelakaan akibat tertabrak kereta api di dareah tersebut memang sangat tinggi. Karenanya, ia menghimbau agar masyarakat, terutama orang tua mengawasi anak-anaknya yang sedang bermain.
Miami Heat Star Cheating On Their Significant Other?
According to a report from the Miami Herald, a unknown Miami Heat player is cheating on their significant other.
The newspaper claims that a very taken Miami Heat star is having an affair with someone who lives in the Kings Cole condo in North Beach. The source says that the player is seen at the condo every night around midnight after every home game. According to security, this player has repeatedly shown up at midnight and after asking for a woman's apartment.
The source went on to say that his girlfriend [whoever she is] shouldn't be shocked considering that not too long ago she was the one with whom her beloved baller was sneaking around with.
It can only point to one person.... Mr. Dwyane Wade, who cheated on his ex-wife with current girlfriend Gabrielle Union.
Could the Miami Herald be talking about the story The Juicy Online posted over the weekend, which exposed Dwyane Wade giving tickets to a woman who he's been seeing behind his girlfriend [Gabrielle Union] back?
The newspaper claims that a very taken Miami Heat star is having an affair with someone who lives in the Kings Cole condo in North Beach. The source says that the player is seen at the condo every night around midnight after every home game. According to security, this player has repeatedly shown up at midnight and after asking for a woman's apartment.
The source went on to say that his girlfriend [whoever she is] shouldn't be shocked considering that not too long ago she was the one with whom her beloved baller was sneaking around with.
It can only point to one person.... Mr. Dwyane Wade, who cheated on his ex-wife with current girlfriend Gabrielle Union.
Could the Miami Herald be talking about the story The Juicy Online posted over the weekend, which exposed Dwyane Wade giving tickets to a woman who he's been seeing behind his girlfriend [Gabrielle Union] back?
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Chad Johnson Is Lying About Being Financially Broke

During the Memorial Day holiday, Johnson and his homeless friend, named "Porkchop" made a trip to the King of Diamonds strip club. Johnson posted their adventure on his Twitter account, where he took two photos of his friend dancing with strippers and sitting down with money falling out of his pockets.
According to a source, Porkchop and Johnson threw money around at the strippers. The source went on to say that the amount of money Porkchop had falling out of his pockets [below] total to around $1,000, as all of the money came from Johnson.

In 2012, Johnson submitted documents to the court that he was making $66,000 per month, but that was before he got released from the Miami Dolphins in August 2012 after he was arrested for head-butting his ex-wife Evelyn Lozada. His endorsement deals were terminated as a results of the alleged domestic violence assault.
However, with Johnson out at strip clubs, it looks as if he cleared up the probation violation dispute with authorities in Florida.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger
Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger - Salah satu cara menghasilkan income dari internet adalah melalui bisnis Program Affiliasi atau Affiliate Program. Banyak program affiliate luar negeri yang bisa anda ikuti untuk mendapatkan komisi dari program tersebut, salah satu diantaranya adalah Affiliate Program Clickbank.
Program Clickbank kini banyak diminati oleh para internet marketer indonesia karena Clickbank telah "membuka pintu" bagi para marketer indonesia untuk mendaftar menjadi affiliate dengan alamat indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2009 lalu. Karena sebelumnya para marketer asal indonesia harus menggunakan alamat virtual office di luar negeri untuk berbisnis di Clickbank.
Sekarang ini adalah kesempatan emas bagi anda para pelaku bisnis internet indonesia untuk bisa meraup dollar dari bisnis Affiliate Clickbank ini. Income dari Clickbank dapat anda raih baik sebagai Affiliates (reseller dari produk orang lain yang terdaftar di Clickbank), atau sebagai vendor/ publisher (pemilik produk digital yang terdaftar di Clickbank).
Bisnis di Clickbank, baik sebagai affiliates (reseller) maupun sebagai publisher (pemilik produk) keduanya berhubungan dengan Produk Infomasi Digital, dimana produk digital adalah salah satu dari bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan di dunia antara lain karena:
Berikut langkah-langkah dasar cara mengikuti bisnis affiliate di Clickbank:
1. Buka Account Clickbank di
2. Cari Produk di Marketplace (ada 23 Kategori besar)
3. Cari Produk yang nilai sale nya minimal $30
4. Cari Produk yang gravity nya dibawah 20-75
5. Create hoplink untuk mendapatkan nomor reseler anda (hoplink)
6. Promosikan affiliate link anda (melalui traffic gratis atau berbayar)
7. Cek account Clickbank anda secara rutin untuk mengecek penjualan/ sales
Gampang kan ,,,, :D ?
Namun demikian pada prakteknya tidak sesederhana itu, ada tahap-tahapan lain yang perlu anda pahami supaya bisa mendapatkan profit, karena apabila anda menginginkan profit yang besar maka anda harus menjalankan bisnis ini juga dengan maksimal dan tidak setengah-setengah.
Dipostingan berikut kami akan berikan cara mendaftar sebagai Affiliate Clicbank dan Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger
Program Clickbank kini banyak diminati oleh para internet marketer indonesia karena Clickbank telah "membuka pintu" bagi para marketer indonesia untuk mendaftar menjadi affiliate dengan alamat indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2009 lalu. Karena sebelumnya para marketer asal indonesia harus menggunakan alamat virtual office di luar negeri untuk berbisnis di Clickbank.
Sekarang ini adalah kesempatan emas bagi anda para pelaku bisnis internet indonesia untuk bisa meraup dollar dari bisnis Affiliate Clickbank ini. Income dari Clickbank dapat anda raih baik sebagai Affiliates (reseller dari produk orang lain yang terdaftar di Clickbank), atau sebagai vendor/ publisher (pemilik produk digital yang terdaftar di Clickbank).
Bisnis di Clickbank, baik sebagai affiliates (reseller) maupun sebagai publisher (pemilik produk) keduanya berhubungan dengan Produk Infomasi Digital, dimana produk digital adalah salah satu dari bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan di dunia antara lain karena:
- Tidak Ada Biaya Produksi & Overhead (hanya satu kali)
- Tidak Ada Tagihan (semua cash)
- Profit Margin 90%+
- Tidak Ada Resiko Rugi/Kalah
Berikut langkah-langkah dasar cara mengikuti bisnis affiliate di Clickbank:
1. Buka Account Clickbank di
2. Cari Produk di Marketplace (ada 23 Kategori besar)
3. Cari Produk yang nilai sale nya minimal $30
4. Cari Produk yang gravity nya dibawah 20-75
5. Create hoplink untuk mendapatkan nomor reseler anda (hoplink)
6. Promosikan affiliate link anda (melalui traffic gratis atau berbayar)
7. Cek account Clickbank anda secara rutin untuk mengecek penjualan/ sales
Gampang kan ,,,, :D ?
Namun demikian pada prakteknya tidak sesederhana itu, ada tahap-tahapan lain yang perlu anda pahami supaya bisa mendapatkan profit, karena apabila anda menginginkan profit yang besar maka anda harus menjalankan bisnis ini juga dengan maksimal dan tidak setengah-setengah.
Dipostingan berikut kami akan berikan cara mendaftar sebagai Affiliate Clicbank dan Tutorial Bisnis Clickbank dengan Blogspot/Blogger
Tutorial Mencari Uang Lewat Amazon dan Adsense Pakai Blogspot/Blogger
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Bagi Anda yang ingin belajar bagaimana cara Membuat Blogspot, bermain afiliasi Amazon dan belajar Google Adsense, kali ini saya mau memperkenalkan sebuah panduan lengkap berupa video-video tutorial yang akan memandu Anda untuk memulai bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan Google Adsense. Nama produk ini adalah Seperti namanya, produk ini akan membuat Anda menjadi seorang master Blogspot yang bisa menghasilkan uang dari internet baik itu dari afiliasi Amazon atau Google Adsense. Selain itu, di panduan ini Anda juga akan mendapatkan tutorial Blogspot dasar yang akan digunakan sebagai media untuk menjalankan bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan Google Adsense.
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Bagi Anda yang ingin belajar bagaimana cara Membuat Blogspot, bermain afiliasi Amazon dan belajar Google Adsense, kali ini saya mau memperkenalkan sebuah panduan lengkap berupa video-video tutorial yang akan memandu Anda untuk memulai bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan Google Adsense. Nama produk ini adalah Seperti namanya, produk ini akan membuat Anda menjadi seorang master Blogspot yang bisa menghasilkan uang dari internet baik itu dari afiliasi Amazon atau Google Adsense. Selain itu, di panduan ini Anda juga akan mendapatkan tutorial Blogspot dasar yang akan digunakan sebagai media untuk menjalankan bisnis afiliasi Amazon dan Google Adsense.

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Setelah melihat semua materi-materi Blogspotmaster, maka saya sangat merekomendasikan untuk Anda yang ingin belajar Afiliasi Amazon dan Belajar Google Adsense menggunakan Blogspot. Ok, jika Anda ingin tahu lebih lanjut serta ingin memiliki produk ini, langsung saja KLIK DI SINI.
Kevin Durant Dating A WNBA Player
Kevin Durant is ready for a real relationship, and according to a report, Durant has begun dating WNBA star Monica Wright.
Durant started to catch a few of Wright's basketball games and the two began to talk. It's being said by a close friend of Wright that the two are in love with each other.
Wright plays for the WNBA team the Minnesota Lynx.
"She's not one of those celebs that's with Kevin for money or fame, she loves him and will hold him down through good times and bad," a friend of Wright said.
Wright did a post-game interview where she talked about her relationship with Durant.
Durant started to catch a few of Wright's basketball games and the two began to talk. It's being said by a close friend of Wright that the two are in love with each other.
Wright plays for the WNBA team the Minnesota Lynx.
"She's not one of those celebs that's with Kevin for money or fame, she loves him and will hold him down through good times and bad," a friend of Wright said.

Saturday, May 25, 2013
Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013
Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013. Pesta Demokrasi untuk rakyat Jawa Tengah akan segera dimulai. Hari ini, 26 Mei 2013 akan ada pemilihan daerah (Pilkada) untuk memilih Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jawa Tengah periode 2013-2018. Ada 3 cagub - cawagub yang maju di Pilkada Jateng ini yakni Hadi Prabowo - Don Murdono (HP-Don) yang diusung PKS, Hanura, PKB, Gerindra dan PKNU kemudian ada juga incumbent Bibit Waluyo - Sudijono S (Bissa) yang diusung Demokrat, Golkar dan PAN serta pasangan Ganjar Pranowo - Heru S (Gagah) yang diusung partai PDIP.
Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013
Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013
Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013 akan digelar mulai pukul 13.00 WIB dan Hasil Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013 dapat anda lihat pukul 15.00 WIBNah, itulah tadi informasi mengenai Quick Count Pilkada Jateng 26 Mei 2013. Semoga bermanfaat
Libertyreserve tidak bisa diakses
Sytem pembayaran online yang sudah populer Liberty Reserve sedang bermasalah. saat ini tidak bisa diakses. Padahal sudah Jutaan orang menggunakan system pembayaran ini terutama para trader
dibisnis forex.
Berikut ini cuplikan berita dari
dibisnis forex.
Berikut ini cuplikan berita dari
sampai saat ini belum diketahui sampai kapan Liberty Reserve tidak bisa diakses, dan tentunya jutaan akun masih berharap agar segera normal dan bisa menarik uangnya kembali.
Bayern Munich Juara Liga Champions 2012/2013
Bayern Munich berhasil Menjuarai Liga Champions 2013 Setelah mengalahkan Borussia Dortmund 2-1 pada laga final di Wembley, London, Minggu 26 Mei 2013 dinihari WIB.Kedua tim bermain sengit di babak pertama. Banyak peluang yang tercipta.namun tidak tercipta gol
Di babak kedua, tempo pertandingan masih berlangsung cepat. Dortmund dan Bayern saling menyerang. Gol yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya tercipta pada menit 60. Mario Mandzukic berhasil memanfaatkan umpan silang dari Arjen Robben.skor 1-0 untuk Bayern.
Dortmund membalasnya pada ment 67 melalui penalti Ilkay Gundogan. Wasit menunjuk titik putih setelah Dante melanggar Marco Reus di kotak penalti.
Gundogan berhasil melaksanakan tugasnya dengan sukses. Ia melepaskan tembakan ke sisi kanan, sementara Manuel Neuer bergerak ke arah kiri. Skor menjadi imbang 1-1
Satu menit sebelum laga usai, Robben jadi penentu kemenangan Bayern. Ia merangsek masuk ke kotak penalti dan melepaskan tembakan yang mengecoh Weidenfeller. Skor jadi 2-1 dan kedudukan ini bertahan hingga laga usai.
Ini adalah gelar kelima Piala/Liga Champions untuk Bayern Munich. Sebelumnya mereka juara pada tahun 1974, 1975, 1976 dan 2001.
Demikian informasi Juara liga campions 2012/2013
Demikian informasi Juara liga campions 2012/2013
SCTV Live Streaming Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen Final Liga Champions 2013
SCTV Live Streaming Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen Final Liga Champions 2013. Laga Final Liga Champions Eropa 2012-2013 sudah didepan mata. Di laga puncak ini akan tersaji duel all germany final antara Borussia Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen. Laga ini sendiri rencananya akan disiarkan secara live oleh SCTV. Nah, mungkin di daerah anda sudah banyak sekali acara nonbar ataupun anda dapat menyaksikan laga ini secara langsung di TV rumah anda, namun untuk anda yang sedang berada di kantor atau ingin menyaksikan laga seru ini secara online langsung saja lihat SCTV Live Streaming Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen Final Liga Champions 2013 dibawah ini
Live Streaming Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen Final Liga Champions 2013 ALTERNATIF
Live Streaming Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen Final Liga Champions 2013 ALTERNATIF
Nah, itulah tadi SCTV Live Streaming Dortmund vs Bayern Munchen Final Liga Champions 2013. Selamat menyaksikan
Novita Dewi , Bangga jadi juara 2 x factor indonesia 2013
Novita Dewi tak bisa menahan tangis saat mengenang perjuangannya di X Factor Indonesia. Meskipun ia harus puas dengan juara kedua, kalah jumlah vote dengan Fatin Sidqia Lubis.
"Terimakasih kepada Tuhan Yesus, orang tua, keluarga besar dan semua yang udah dukung aku.papa Bebi dan Meisya yang selalu bimbing aku. Terimakasih mbak Anggun dan teh Ocha, mas Dhani," tandasnya. Inget aku dulu, sekarang bisa ada di sini. Jadi dua besar udah jadi kebanggaan buat aku," tutur Novita menitikan air mata, ditemui usai Grand Final X Factor Indonesia, Sabtu (25/6) dini hari di JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat.
Anak didikan Bebi Romeo ini memberikan selamat kepada sang juara Fatin Shidqia. Ia yakin, akan banyak kejutan-kejutan besar untuk Fatin setelah menjadi juara di X Factor Indonesia ini.
"Untuk Fatin, aku yakin Tuhan punya rencana luar biasa," ucap Novita beriring tangis yang langsung dipeluk oleh Fatin, Anggun dan Rossa.
Dwyane Wade Brings A Woman He's Cheating With To Playoff Game [PICS]
Days after Dwyane Wade interview with Jet Magazine was released, where he talked about how he may have not been the the best husband to his ex-wife, it appears that Wade may have cheated behind his beautiful actress girlfriend Gabrielle Union, according to what a woman posted on her Instagram account.
The woman, Rachel Vegas, has been posting photos on her Instagram account bragging about her lavish court-side seats and expensive gifts Dwyane Wade is supposedly "giving to her".
The woman refers to Wade as her "chocolate baller" in her Instagram photos.
According to the photos, it appears that Wade may have brought Vegas shoes, handbags [Louis Vuitton] and outfits.
She's also seen posing next to other basketball players including Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum.
The woman, Rachel Vegas, has been posting photos on her Instagram account bragging about her lavish court-side seats and expensive gifts Dwyane Wade is supposedly "giving to her".
The woman refers to Wade as her "chocolate baller" in her Instagram photos.
According to the photos, it appears that Wade may have brought Vegas shoes, handbags [Louis Vuitton] and outfits.

Friday, May 24, 2013
Juara X Factor Indonesia sesion pertama
Gadis berusia 16 tahun Fatin Shidqia lubis menjadi juara pertama dari kompetisi menyanyi X Factor Indonesia musim perdana. mengalahkan Novita Dewi yang menjadi saingannya dalam arena 2 besar Grand Final X Factor Indonesia.Fatin meraih pilihan suara terbanyak dari pemirsa yang melakukan voting lewat SMS selama sepekan, mengalahkan Novita Dewi yang menjadi juara kedua dan grup Nu Dimention di urutan ketiga.
Usai pengumuman pemenang dalam Result Show X Factor Indonesia di JIExpo, Sabtu dini hari (25/5) , Fatin pun membawakan lagu Kemenangannya yang berjudul "Aku Memilih Setia" dalam balutan busana bernuansa hitam putih. Lagu tersebut akan dirilis serentak di 600 stasiun radio nasional pekan depan. Bintang X Factor Indonesia juara I, II, dan II mendapat hadiah uang tunai total senilai Rp300 juta dan sebuah mobil untuk masing-masing pemenang.
Demikian info Juara X Factor Indonesia sesion pertama
Usai pengumuman pemenang dalam Result Show X Factor Indonesia di JIExpo, Sabtu dini hari (25/5) , Fatin pun membawakan lagu Kemenangannya yang berjudul "Aku Memilih Setia" dalam balutan busana bernuansa hitam putih. Lagu tersebut akan dirilis serentak di 600 stasiun radio nasional pekan depan. Bintang X Factor Indonesia juara I, II, dan II mendapat hadiah uang tunai total senilai Rp300 juta dan sebuah mobil untuk masing-masing pemenang.
Demikian info Juara X Factor Indonesia sesion pertama
Comedian Says Lance Armstrong Asked Her To Lick His Butt
A Comedian, who appeared on Howard Stern on Monday, claims that she was asked by disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong to lick his butt.
April Macie says that she and a friend enjoyed a night out in Los Angeles with Armstrong "five or six years ago" where the two returned to Armstrong's hotel room. She went on to describe how things got a little awkward.
"I went to use the bathroom, and I went in and Lance was bent over a bathtub and [my friend] was just face deep in his asshole. I was terrified. And then he came out and said, "Does your friend want in on a round too?" and I was like, "Of taint tickling? I'm gonna take a pass. I think it's hilarious that he would ask without even knowing my first name -- to eat his asshole. Like, "Do you want in on a round of asshole eating," Macie explained.
Add this to the list of major embarrassing stories about Lance Armstrong.
April Macie says that she and a friend enjoyed a night out in Los Angeles with Armstrong "five or six years ago" where the two returned to Armstrong's hotel room. She went on to describe how things got a little awkward.

Add this to the list of major embarrassing stories about Lance Armstrong.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
N.Y. Jets QB Geno Smith Signs With Jay-Z's Roc Nation Sports Agency
New York Jets rookie quarterback Geno Smith announced, on Wednesday, that he had signed with Jay Z's Roc Nation Sports Agency as his representation, according to USA Today.
Smith picked an unknown agent Kimberly Miale as his contract agent, but due to Jay-Z not being certified by the NFL Players Association, Miale won't be able to handling all of Smith's contract negotiations.
"Not that big of a role. It's just the agency," Smith said when asked if Jay-Z was a factor, though few will believe the claim after seeing an Instagram photo of the two. "When you're talking about being in New York from the standpoint of what they can do through the city, all the connections they have, I think it's a good move," Smith went on to say.
Smith went on to say that his family is cool with the move he had [picking Jay-Z's company to represent him], but his main focus is stealing that starting quarterback job away from Mark Sanchez.
Smith picked an unknown agent Kimberly Miale as his contract agent, but due to Jay-Z not being certified by the NFL Players Association, Miale won't be able to handling all of Smith's contract negotiations.
"Not that big of a role. It's just the agency," Smith said when asked if Jay-Z was a factor, though few will believe the claim after seeing an Instagram photo of the two. "When you're talking about being in New York from the standpoint of what they can do through the city, all the connections they have, I think it's a good move," Smith went on to say.
Smith went on to say that his family is cool with the move he had [picking Jay-Z's company to represent him], but his main focus is stealing that starting quarterback job away from Mark Sanchez.
Floyd Mayweather Cheating On Fiancee With VH1 Reality Star
Floyd Mayweather has been caught cheating on his fiancee Miss Jackson, as it's being reported that Mayweather has been flying to Atlanta, GA to use his charm to get with VH1 Love And Hip Hop Atlanta co-star Erica Dixon.
A source is claiming that the boxer has taken interest in the mother of one. The source also goes on to say that Mayweather has flown to Atlanta, two times, to visit Erica to win over her heart.
He's already spending money on Erica, as he's buying her lavish gifts to win her heart, but Erica is reportedly not ready to give Mayweather her heart until he drops all his other side ladies.
The source went on to say that it's believed that Erica is already falling for Mayweather, even though she's trying hard not to be.
A source is claiming that the boxer has taken interest in the mother of one. The source also goes on to say that Mayweather has flown to Atlanta, two times, to visit Erica to win over her heart.

The source went on to say that it's believed that Erica is already falling for Mayweather, even though she's trying hard not to be.
New York Knicks JR Smith Has A Drug Addiction
We saw a crumble in the performance of New York Knicks "6th man" JR Smith during the 2013 NBA postseason. According to sources, who spoke with The Juicy Online, we may now understand why his performance tanked during the playoffs, as it's being said that Smith developed a drug habit.
Although an report, in early May, showed Smith partying hard in a New York nightclub with singer/girlfriend Rihanna during the playoffs, two sources are coming forward claiming that Smith is also using coke, claiming that Smith is hooked to the stuff.
"My source is the connect for his coke dealer uptown and JR is cooping $1,200 worth of blow every two, three days when in town. Personal use... Dude was sick from it," the source claims.
The NBA, during the regular season, gives four drug test to its players. Most NBA players are giving the heads up when a drug test is coming their way. If JR is indeed hooked on coke, then the reality is that the coke would be present in his system for 72 hours [3 days] before fading away.
Although an report, in early May, showed Smith partying hard in a New York nightclub with singer/girlfriend Rihanna during the playoffs, two sources are coming forward claiming that Smith is also using coke, claiming that Smith is hooked to the stuff.
"My source is the connect for his coke dealer uptown and JR is cooping $1,200 worth of blow every two, three days when in town. Personal use... Dude was sick from it," the source claims.
The NBA, during the regular season, gives four drug test to its players. Most NBA players are giving the heads up when a drug test is coming their way. If JR is indeed hooked on coke, then the reality is that the coke would be present in his system for 72 hours [3 days] before fading away.
RBT Lagu Aku Memilih Setia Milik Fatin Shidqia Lubis larismanis dipasaran
Finalis Dua besar X Factor, Fatin Shidqia Lubis, merilis ring back tone (RBT) “Aku Memilih Setia”.
Lagu baru yang belum resmi diluncurkan itu diberikan Sony Music Indonesia. Saat ini lagu tersebut sudah banyak digunakan bahkan menjadi RBT terlaris GSM Telkomsel, Indosat dan XL.
Di NSP Telkomsel, lagu perdana Fatin berhasil menduduki peringkat 10 besar ring back tone terlaris
Sementara tangga nada dering terlaris Indosat, lagu yang di bawakan live pada konser X Factor pekan lalu itu menjadi lagu terlaris pertama. Lagu tersebut unggul dari Bidadari Surga milik Ustad Uje dan Suatu Hari milik Wonder Boy.
Langkah penjualan RBT para artis keluaran X Faktor dimulai tahun ini. Sebelumnya, X Factor menjual lagu para finalis di iTunes Indonesia.Single perdana dari Fatin Shidqia Lubis yang berjudul Aku Memilih Setia nampaknya benar-benar menuai kesuksesan sejauh ini. Single yang juga merupakan lagu kemenangan atas keberhasilan Fatin lolos ke Grand Final X Factor Indonesia tercatat sempat beberapa hari memuncaki iTunes Chart. Selain itu jumlah download gratis mp3 Aku memilih setia di internet juga cukup fantastis.
Lagu Aku Memilih Setia memang bergenre pop easy listening. Bahkan Juri X Factor menyebut lagu ini bakal sukses.
Demikian Informasi RBT Lagu Aku Memilih Setia Milik Fatin Shidqia Lubis larismanis dipasaran
Jangan lupa baca juga juara x-factor indonesia sesion pertama
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
3 siswa smp gagalkan aksi pemerkosaan
Tiga siswa SMP Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor, berhasil menggagalkan aksi pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh tukang ojek terhadap siswi yang masih berusia 14 tahun.
Ketiga siswa SMP yang berhasil menggagalkan perkosaan tersebut, Aziz (15), Abdurahman (13), dan Ilham (13). Sedangkan, pelaku berinisial A, berusia 16 tahun.
Ketiga siswa SMP yang berhasil menggagalkan perkosaan tersebut, Aziz (15), Abdurahman (13), dan Ilham (13). Sedangkan, pelaku berinisial A, berusia 16 tahun.
Saat ini pelaku mendekam di Polsek Ciawi.
Kapolsek Ciawi, Komisaris Polisi, Sugianto, mengatakan, kejadian itu pada Senin 20 Mei 2013 kemarin. Korban dititipkan pacarnya kepada temannya yang berprofesi sebagai tukang ojek untuk diantar pulang ke rumah orangtuanya di Ciawi.
Saat sampai di perkebunan daerah Tapos, Ciawi. Tiba-tiba pelaku menghentikan kendaraannya, dan memaksa korban turun dari motornya,.
pelaku merayu korban agar melayani nafsunya. Namun, korban menolak mengikuti kemauan pelaku. Akhirnya, pelaku memaksa korban.
Kapolsek Ciawi, Komisaris Polisi, Sugianto, mengatakan, kejadian itu pada Senin 20 Mei 2013 kemarin. Korban dititipkan pacarnya kepada temannya yang berprofesi sebagai tukang ojek untuk diantar pulang ke rumah orangtuanya di Ciawi.
Saat sampai di perkebunan daerah Tapos, Ciawi. Tiba-tiba pelaku menghentikan kendaraannya, dan memaksa korban turun dari motornya,.
pelaku merayu korban agar melayani nafsunya. Namun, korban menolak mengikuti kemauan pelaku. Akhirnya, pelaku memaksa korban.
Mendengar ada teriakan, tiga siswa SMP Ciawi yang sedang melintasi perkebunan berusaha menolong korban. Mereka langsung menghampiri lokasi kejadian dan mencegah aksi perkosaan itu.
Pelaku ditangkap saat berusaha lari. Kemudian, ketiga siswa itu bersama satpam perkebunan membawa pelaku ke Polsek Ciawi.
Chad Johnson Could Face A Year In Prison [Mug Shot]
Chad Johnson appeared before a judge in Broward County, FL on Monday, where he was placed under arrested after a warrant was issued for his arrest on May 7.
For 13 days, Johnson never tried to clear up the arrest warrant with his parole officer nor the court in Florida as it was reported that Johnson was in Pasadena, CA and planning a trip for the Dominican Republic for the Memorial Day holiday.
According to a report, Johnson could now be forced to serve a year in state prison for assaulting his ex-wife, last August.
Johnson was originally charged with a misdemeanor for his August 2012 arrest, but his 2000 incident involving him and his ex-girlfriend, at the time, could force authorities in Broward County to upgrade his current misdemeanor charge to a felony, which could send Johnson behind bars for 12 months.

Johnson was sentenced to community service, which included cleaning graffiti. He completed the community service in 2002 and went on to play for the Cincinnati Bengals.
Johnson violated his parole, which he received after he was charged [with a misdemeanor] for allegedly head-butting his ex-wife Evelyn Lozada back in August 2012.
Dwyane Wade Says He Was Probably A Terrible Husband

Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade appears in the latest issue of Jet Magazine, which hit stands on Monday. In the issue, Wade talks about fatherhood and co-parenting. He also, in the issue, claims that maybe he wasn't such a good husband to his ex-wife.
When he was asked why he didn't pursue full custody of his children from his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches, Wade replied, "I didn't set out to get custody but I wasn't able to see my kids the way I wanted and I'm not a parent who's going to run away from his responsibilities. I was probably a terrible husband, but I pride myself on being a good dad."
In a video interview [below], Funches recalls a night where Wade abused her, while the two were married.
Since their divorce, the two have been in a nasty battle over equal sharing time of their kids and clearing up allegations, which are mostly coming from Funches.
Wade went on to say that he hopes that the two, him and Funches, can come to an understanding for the sake of their children "It's been six year and hopefully one day she and I can get on to the same point where it's a lot easier than it is now to co-parent," Wade said.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Pengakuan mengejutkan Maharany selama bersaksi di Pengadilan Tipikor.
Mahasiswi Universitas Moestopo, Maharany Suciyono blak-blakan membuka kelakuan Ahmad Fathanah. Ahmad Fathanah adalah tersangka suap dan tindak pidana pencucian uang dari kasus suap daging sapi impor.
Keterangan mengejutkan ini diceritakan dengan santai oleh Maharany. Sebab saat menggelar jumpa pers soal penangkapannya oleh penyidik KPK, Maharany mengaku hanya ngobrol biasa di lobi dengan Fathanah.
Berikut pengakuan mengejutkan Maharany selama bersaksi di Pengadilan Tipikor.
Keterangan mengejutkan ini diceritakan dengan santai oleh Maharany. Sebab saat menggelar jumpa pers soal penangkapannya oleh penyidik KPK, Maharany mengaku hanya ngobrol biasa di lobi dengan Fathanah.
Berikut pengakuan mengejutkan Maharany selama bersaksi di Pengadilan Tipikor.
mengakui uang Rp 10 juta untuk biaya hubungan intim
Maharany Suciyono, mengakui duit Rp 10 juta dari Ahmad Fathanah diberikan atas jasa buat menemani pria itu dan berhubungan intim. Perempuan kelahiran Kuningan, Jawa Barat, itu mengakuinya di hadapan persidangan terdakwa Arya Abdi Effendy dan H. Juard Effendi.
"Uang Rp 10 itu juta dari Ahmad Fathanah buat apa?," tanya Jaksa Rum di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Jumat (17/5).
"Diberi 10 juta enggak tahu buat apa. Dikasih gitu aja. Itu untuk menemani pak Ahmad," ujar Maharany.
Lalu jaksa Rum mengkonfrontir kesaksian Maharany dengan keterangannya di Berita Acara Pemeriksaan. "Apakah uang itu diberikan kepada saudari agar mau diajak berhubungan intim," tanya Jaksa Rum lagi.
"Iya," ujar Maharany.
"Uang itu kaitannya dengan itu?," kata Jaksa Rum menegaskan.
"Iya," ucap Maharany.
"Uang Rp 10 itu juta dari Ahmad Fathanah buat apa?," tanya Jaksa Rum di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Jumat (17/5).
"Diberi 10 juta enggak tahu buat apa. Dikasih gitu aja. Itu untuk menemani pak Ahmad," ujar Maharany.
Lalu jaksa Rum mengkonfrontir kesaksian Maharany dengan keterangannya di Berita Acara Pemeriksaan. "Apakah uang itu diberikan kepada saudari agar mau diajak berhubungan intim," tanya Jaksa Rum lagi.
"Iya," ujar Maharany.
"Uang itu kaitannya dengan itu?," kata Jaksa Rum menegaskan.
"Iya," ucap Maharany.
Sedang bugil saat digerebek KPK
Ada dua penyelidik KPK yang bersaksi hari ini. Yakni Amir Arif dan Dian Andi. Tetapi, hanya Amir Arif yang ikut menangkap Fathanah dan Maharany di hotel itu.
"Setelah keduanya (Fathanah dan Maharany) berpakaian, kami bawa mereka ke tempat parkir lantai dasar," kata Amir saat bersaksi di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Jumat (17/5).
Menurut Amir, dia mengintai Fathanah sejak pukul 17.00 WIB. Dia mengatakan, saat datang pertama kali, Fathanah seorang diri.masuk ke sebuah kafe di hotel itu. Lalu kemudian datang seorang wanita, yang belakangan diketahui namanya Maharany Suciyono
"Setelah keduanya (Fathanah dan Maharany) berpakaian, kami bawa mereka ke tempat parkir lantai dasar," kata Amir saat bersaksi di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Jumat (17/5).
Menurut Amir, dia mengintai Fathanah sejak pukul 17.00 WIB. Dia mengatakan, saat datang pertama kali, Fathanah seorang diri.masuk ke sebuah kafe di hotel itu. Lalu kemudian datang seorang wanita, yang belakangan diketahui namanya Maharany Suciyono
Demikian Pengakuan mengejutkan Maharany selama bersaksi di Pengadilan Tipikor.
semoga bermanfaat
semoga bermanfaat
Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA - SMK 2013
Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA - SMK 2013. Ujian Nasional SMA / SMK 2013 sudah terselesaikan dengan berbagai masalah yang timbul. Mulai dari keterlambatan soal hingga penundaan. Apapun itu, kini jutaan siswa SMA/SMK/MA di seluruh Indonesia sedang harap-harap cemas menantikan Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA/SMK 2013.
Dalam beberapa hari belakangan memang terdengar sebuah rumor bahwa atas kegagalan system UN tahun ini membuat para siswa diluluskan 100% akan tetapi hal ini nampaknya ditampik oleh Kemdikbud, M.Nuh. Adapun Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA/SMK 2013 tahun ini tetaplah menjadi misteri dan mendatangkan perasaan deg-degan bagi seluruh siswa SMA/SMK.
Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA/SMK 2013
Dalam beberapa hari belakangan memang terdengar sebuah rumor bahwa atas kegagalan system UN tahun ini membuat para siswa diluluskan 100% akan tetapi hal ini nampaknya ditampik oleh Kemdikbud, M.Nuh. Adapun Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA/SMK 2013 tahun ini tetaplah menjadi misteri dan mendatangkan perasaan deg-degan bagi seluruh siswa SMA/SMK.
Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA/SMK 2013
Untuk hasil UNAS SMA/SMK sederajat akan diumumkan pada tanggal 24 Mei 2013. Keputusan tersebut sudah ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan sudah tidak dapat berubah. Alasan tersebut diungkapkan karena sudah disesuaikan dengan jadwal penerimaan siswa baru/SNMPTN 2013. - info selengkapnya klik disiniNah, itulah tadi informasi mengenai Hasil Pengumuman Kelulusan UN SMA - SMK 2013. Jangan lupa lihat juga Hasil Pengumuman SNMPTN 2013.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Biodata Dan Foto Terbaru Dimas Anggara Love In Paris
Biodata Dan Foto Terbaru Dimas Anggara Love In Paris
Hallo, sobat tb4all lama nih tidak menyapa kalian semua.
kali ini saya ingin menulis biodata dimas anggara pemeran reno di sinetron love in paris.
Berikut detail biodata dimas anggara:
Nama Lengkap : Dimas anggara
TTL : Jakarta, Indonesia, 10 September 1988
Zodiac : Virgo Agama : Islam
Hobi : Berenang
Tinggi badan : 173
Berat badan : 63
Pendidikan : Universitas Pelita Harapan
Pendidikan : Universitas Pelita Harapan
Karir :
Anak Dari :Andi Moeharyoso (Ayah) dan Delly Malik (Ibu)
Saudara : Dina Arlingga Danapati (Kakak)
Saudara : Dina Arlingga Danapati (Kakak)
Sinetron Yang Pernah Di Bintangi Dimas Anggara : Love In Paris
Populer Sejak : -Berperan Dalam Film "Kembang Perawan" (2009)
-Radio Galau FM (2012)
Berikut Ini Adalah Foto Dimas Anggara:
Nha Itu Dya Biodata Lengkap Dan Foto Dimas Anggara
-Radio Galau FM (2012)
- Andai Mati Besok
- Pinguin Untuk Kayla
- Boothcamp Cinta
- Kugenggam Cintamu Di Malioboro
- Pembantu Cantik Itu Pacarku
- Bidadari Penjaga Hati
- Ramona Cinta Gilaku
- Bidadari Lapangan Parkir
- Silat Boy 5
- Kado Valentine Untuk Lintang
- Hansip Yang Mencuri Hatiku
- Marlena Looking For Cinta
- Janji Manis Untuk Mei-Mei
- All About Jamillah
- Mike Jagger Kecantol Cinta Seleb Kampung
- Ujian Cinta Calon Menantu
Penghargaan: FTV Awards (2011)Berikut Ini Adalah Foto Dimas Anggara:
Nha Itu Dya Biodata Lengkap Dan Foto Dimas Anggara
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