The man who is accusing former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez of shooting him in the face is a
convicted felon who spent time in prison for cocaine distribution and who was arrested on a felony burglary charged two months after losing his eye in a gun accident, which he claims Hernandez caused and left him for dead.
According to a federal lawsuit against Hernandez, Alexander Bradley, 30, alleges that Hernandez shot him in Florida after they had partied at a strip club.

Court records show that Bradley has a criminal-filled background, as he was arrested in March 2006 [document 1] for cocaine distribution, a felony which he pleaded guilty. Bradley was sentence to 5 years in prison, but only served 18 months. Once he was released, in December 2007, he began serving a 5-year probation term.
According to a police report, Bradley was targeted by East Central Narcotics Task Force officers who raided his home and seized cocaine, marijuana, cash, plastic baggies, and packaging materials. He had been laid off from his job, with Stanley Steamers, eight months earlier.
Bradley claimed that once you begin the "lifestyle", referring to the money and drugs, "it was difficult to go back."
Bradley admitted that he "let his unemployment checks stack up because of his drug sales he makes." [document 2]

Recently, Bradley was arrested, in April, after showing up to his 28-year-old former girlfriend Connecticut home [whom he has a five-year-old daughter with]. According to a police report, in a "fit of rage", Bradley broke into her house through the rear kitchen door [document 3].
The victim told cops that Bradley slapped her in the face after grabbing her cell phone, going through it and finding the names of her male friends. Bradley told police that he was upset that the woman was "speaking to other men with their daughter nearby."
He was charged with felony burglary and several misdemeanors and was booked at the Hartford Police Detention Center, but was released on his own recognizance.
On July 2, he's scheduled for a court appearance.

Along with that case, Bradley will have to deal with the Hernandez federal negligence lawsuit [document 4].
Bradley claims that Hernandez shot him in the face with an unlicensed handgun on February 13. The two men, along with two other male passengers, were driving down to Palm Beach, FL from Miami, FL, where they had partied earlier at "
Tootsie's," a high level strip club.
The shot to the face resulted in Bradley losing his right eye and other serious injuries, according to the federal lawsuit. Bradley also reveals that him and Hernandez "had in argument" at the strip club before the "incidental shot."

After the shooting, police arrived on the scene, Bradley, who was found bleeding in a Riviera Beach alley, refused to cooperate. Due to him refusing to answer police questions, investigators had nothing to begin an investigation, thus throwing the case on the back burner.
Although he never mentioned Hernandez as the shooter, he did describe his assailants as being "Hispanic and black males."